York Health and Care Alliance Board



Minutes of the meeting of the York Health and Care Alliance Board held on Monday 23rd May 2022



Gail Brown                               CEO Ebor Academy Trust

Ian Floyd (Chair)                      Chief Operating Officer, City of York Council

Professor Mike Holmes            Chair, Nimbuscare York

Jamaila Hussain                       Director of Prevention, Commissioning and Education, City                                                                                               

                                                 of York Council

Emma Johnson                        St Leonards Hospice

Brent Kilmurray                        Chief Executive, TEWV

Christine Marmion-Lennon      Deputy Chief Executive - York CVS (Alison Semmence                                                                                         


  Phil Mettam                              Accountable Officer, Vale of York CCG

Peter Roderick                         Consultant in Public Health, City of York Council /

Vale of York CCG

Sharon Stoltz                           Director of Public Health, City of York Council


In Attendance

Ruth Barton                                 Senior Solicitor, Contracts and Commercial, City of York Council

Janie Berry                                  Director of Governance, City of York Council

Hassan Daji                                 Humber and North Yorkshire ICS

Frances Harrison                     Legal, City of York Councilof York Council

Adam Smith                             Humber and North Yorkshire ICS

Tracy Wallis                             Health and Wellbeing Partnerships Co-ordinator, City of

                                                 York Council



Cllr Keith Aspden                     Leader City of York Council

Dr Rebecca Field                     GP, York Medical Group

Professor Charlie Jeffery         Vice Chancellor and President, University of York

Alison Semmence                    Chief Executive, York CVS















The agenda was discussed in the following order.



1.         Welcome and apologies for absence

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies.  


The Chair noted that the formal decision was yet to be made around political membership of the board, but this would be resolved shortly.


The minutes of the meeting held on 29th April 2022 were approved by the board.


The board had no conflicts of interests to declare.


2.         Workshop discussion: ICS Strategy Design

As it was a statutory requirement to have an Integrated Care System (ICS) Strategy in place by December 2022, a Strategy Design Group had been established to ensure the strategy is created collaboratively. The initial strategic intent document is expected to be published with clear ambitions by the 1st July 2022. As it will be a live strategy that can be updated and amended, strategic enquiry questions from this group will be fed into it. The Humber and North Yorkshire Partnership Strategy had reportedly been brought to most place-based boards.


As most place-based Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies were due to be refreshed in 2022, it would provide the opportunity to align them all regionally. Adam Smith, a representative of the Humber and North Yorkshire ICS assured the board that the themes from the Health and Wellbeing Strategy were being reflected in the strategy of the ICS. Local Provider Collaboratives have also been asked to review their strategies and develop strategic intent documents to ensure their perspective is fed into the strategy as well. Communication and engagement leads have been heavily involved throughout the development process to ensure its accessible to those who were interested as well as any health professionals. Further thinking around how to involve the older population who might not see the live updates in the digital space was still needed. The invites for the upcoming event had been sent out recently. Adam encouraged the board to get involved and agreed to provide invites if requested.


The board discussed three strategic enquiry questions:

-       Where is the system now?

-       Where does it need to be?

-       Where are you, in your own practice?


The representatives from the ICS noted the replies from alliance members.


The board noted the update.


3.         Feedback from the ICS Place Development Meeting held Friday 13th May

Ian Floyd, Chief Operating Officer for the City of York Council reported to have attended the ICS Place Development Meeting where the strategy’s themes and issues were discussed. The main principles that came out of the meeting were consistency within place, evolution not revolution, local autonomy, and partnership working. A resource plan will need to be in place by Spring 2023. Each place will also need to develop a memorandum of understanding. This would include details on decision making, what is expected and what will be delivered by this board and the ICB. The Chair suggested that a paper be brought to the next meeting which reflects some of what had been done, what resources are needed and what are the priority actions in coming months.  Input from all members of the board was asked. 

Action: For a report to be provided at the next meeting around next steps and key priority actions,   



4.         Progress on governance and section 75 agreement

The group discussed the ICB and how its sub-structures would relate to this place-based board. It was reported that further conversations on the Section 75 Agreement need to take place. This would require support and ratification from this board. The Legal Team expects to be in a better position to share more details at the next meeting.  

Action: Abigail Combes and Janie Berry to provide a verbal update to Phil Mettam on Section 75 and Joint committee arrangements.


The board noted the update.


5.         Forward Plan

The forward plan will be reviewed to ensure the items that were raised today are added as well as the items that weren’t addressed at the April and May meetings. There will need to be a conversation outside of the meeting in terms of managing the business on future agendas.


6.         Any other Business

Peter Roderick, Consultant in Public Health, City of York Council / Vale of York CCG, informed the group of the cultural values survey. Due to the low number of respondents the deadline had been extended. The link for the survey will be recirculated. The alliance board were encouraged to complete the survey.


Professor Mike Holmes, Chair of Nimbuscare York reported to have been approached by the Local Medical Committee (LMC) and asked for a seat on the alliance board. Nimbuscare have written a paper and this would be circulated to board members.


The Chair closed the meeting.


Date of next meeting: Monday 27th June 2022